About me

Inge Leonora-den Ouden

Artistic education
School for teaching textile arts and drawing in Delft (1975-1977) 
courses and tutorials by artists; autodidact 

I like drawing since I was a child. First with graphite and coloured pencils, later ink too. About 1982 I started painting in watercolours, using fruits and sea shells as ‘models’. In 2007 I started making oil paintings. 
I find my inspiration in all things (and people) I see around me, sometimes I use digital photos (from my own camera), and of course my imagination. 

In 2013 I started illustrating children's books for publishers. My illustrations are in coloured pencils (dry or watercolour pencils) and in black pen. I write children's stories too (illustrated by myself), but they are not yet published.

I make watercolours and pen sketches ‘en plein air’, depicting whatever I see and like. I like painting flowers larger than life. My oil paintings have a hint of surrealism.
I also make portrait drawings (commissions) of people and pets.

Staying close to realism I want to show the beauty of ‘ordinary’ things. I hope to honour the Creator this way. Sometimes I go ‘further’ in a more surrealistic way.

See more at my website: http://ingeleonora.exto.nl 

1 opmerking:

  1. Hallo Inge,
    Misschien ben je geínteresseerd in de website van Urban Sketchers Nederland:
    en onze facebook-groep:
